
Darkest dungeon narrator quotes
Darkest dungeon narrator quotes

It tells about Ancestor's unique guest, who had stirred quite a lot of trouble. Younger Years is a DLC-exclusive cutscene. The old road will take you to hell, but, in that gaping abyss, we will find our redemption. So, steel yourself, and remember, there can be no bravery without madness. There is a sickness in the ancient, pitted cobbles of the old road, and on its writhing path, you will face viciousness, violence and perhaps, other damnably transcendent terrors. It winds with a troubling, serpent-like suggestion through the corrupted countryside, leading only, I fear, to ever more tenebrous places. It pictures the travel to the Darkest Dungeon Estate through the Old Road. Road Home plays when a new file is started from the main menu. It is a festering abomination! I beg you, return home, claim your birthright, and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows.

darkest dungeon narrator quotes

You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial. Our every step unsettled the ancient earth, but we were in a realm of death and madness! In the end, I alone fled, laughing and wailing, through those blackened arcades of antiquity, until consciousness failed me. At last, in the salt-soaked crags beneath the lowest foundations, we unearthed that damnable portal of antediluvian evil. With relic and ritual, I bent every effort towards the excavation and recovery of those long buried secrets, exhausting what remained of our family fortune on. Singular unsettling tales suggested the mansion itself was a gateway to some fabulous and unnameable power. I lived all my years in that ancient rumor-shadowed manor, fattened by decadence and luxury.

darkest dungeon narrator quotes

You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial, gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the moor.

Darkest dungeon narrator quotes