
Clan lord armor repair macro
Clan lord armor repair macro

Demon Lords And Arch Devils: At the top of the Demon Clan is the Demon King who rules over the entire race.With the exception of Meliodas, and even he feels that his dark powers are evil. Dark Is Evil: They are demons with powers of darkness and Black Eyes of Evil to emphasise their evil nature.Thus Superior Demons who turn into their Indura forms rampage until they completely burn out unless they're cured of the darkness within their bodies. Even if they do survive the transformation, they're still doomed to die as their Indura form uses their very own life to sustain it. A Superior Demon however has to have a power level that exceeds 50000 to properly access their Indura form otherwise they'll just simply die from not being able to endure the transformation. In their Indura forms, these demons become unreasonable bestial terrors that are feared even by their demon kin. By sacrificing six of their seven hearts to the darkness within them, Superior Demons can turn into much more powerful beast-like forms known as "Indura". Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Superior Demons which have seven hearts are capable of doing a taboo technique that can give a massive powerup but at a great cost.It's so much so that no living being can withstand taking a gray demon's blood without buffing themselves up first with the blood from a red one. It's quite powerful when it comes from a Red Demon, but it's even more so when it comes from a gray one. In addition to the corrupting properties of demon flesh and blood, the strength of the corruption varies between demon types.Regardless of case though, demon blood draws out dark and negative emotions from those that have taken it. With Hendrickson on the other hand, he was able to retain his sanity and an otherwise human-like form after drinking demon blood thanks to his research and experiments. They however were still transformed into beasts by an ancient incantation which made the demon blood within them go berserk. With the Demon Reactors, it was solved by having those turned being not so powerful in the first place. In certain cases though like with the Demon Reactors created by Hendrickson and Hendrickson himself, this problem can be circumvented.

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For most though, the transformation involves lots of Body Horror and can turn them into mindless uncontrollable monsters. Those that survive gain a significant boost to their power and if they were already powerful to begin with, may even become more powerful than the demon they gained their transformation from.

  • Demon flesh and blood when respectively eaten and drunk by any living thing that's not demon has the effect of either killing them via explosion and such, or if they're compatible, transform them into demons themselves.
  • Galan has actually referred to it as "power of darkness" out-right.
  • Casting a Shadow: Their trademark shadowy matter that they can create and manipulate for a variety of uses.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: Being demons, they have these.
  • Among the higher demons, Dolor of the Ten Commandments is blue skinned. The more commonly seen ones are red, gray, blue, persimmon, copper, white, ochre, and green. The lesser demons who serve as troops tend to come in an assortment of colors.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Some demons come in a variety of colors.
  • And from the looks of Meliodas, hiding those features is easy.
  • Ambiguously Human: A number of the demons could pass for human with the exception of their pitch black eyes and any demonic markings they may have.
  • Meliodas is the only exception so far, and even his power feels "evil" just like the others.
  • Always Chaotic Evil: At the very least, they're perceived this way and most of the examples we've had in the actual series support this, with various characters noting how malevolent their very presences are.
  • If the individual also happen to be incredibly powerful in their own right then all the better.

    clan lord armor repair macro

    All of the Other Reindeer: Zeldris reveals that part of the reason the Demon Clan accepts individuals of other races is due to being viewed as the outcast and freaks of the five clans, so accepting those ostracized for being freaks amongst the other clans seems natural in their eyes.

    Clan lord armor repair macro